
About owlcore

As Charles Francis Adams Jr. fixed himself to the burgeoning railroad industry, and his sibling Henry Adams fixed himself to the free press, let me fix myself with one mind upon the industry of civil engineering and construction. This is where I will make my mark and my wealth.

Ah, my God, all my past ruin has arisen from a want of conformity to thy will. O God of my soul, I detest and curse a thousand times the days and moments in which I have, in order to do my own will, contradicted thy holy will. I now give my whole will to thee. Accept it, O my Lord, and bind it so firmly to thy love, that it may nevermore be able to rebel against thee. I love thee, O infinite Goodness, and through the love which I bear thee, I offer myself entirely to thee. Dispose of me and of all I possess as thou pleasest; I resign myself entirely to thy holy will. Preserve me from the misfortune of doing anything against thy holy will, and then treat me as thou wishest. Eternal Father, hear me for the love of Jesus Christ. My Jesus, hear me through the merits of thy passion. Most holy Mary, assist me; obtain for me the grace to fulfill the divine will, in the accomplishment of which my salvation entirely consists; obtain this grace for me, and I ask nothing more.

'Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.'

So just as the lilies and tulips bless the earth with their beautiful flowers and scents, the flora of man bless the world with beautiful, creative thoughts and deeds.

These are the conditions that the next Hitler will emerge from.

This morning, I watched two officers pull a dead homeless man from the gutter on the side of the street.

White people are civilizational. We earnestly believe in polite society. We must police the actions of nonwhites and whites who believe they've outgrown or are better than the rules we've set for ourselves.

At the same time, we have to be willing to bend the rules ourselves to avoid being raped by the same nonwhites that smell our blood in the water. It's a paradox that only a white man would be able to appreciate and thus operate under.

What am I to do if I was born with a noble soul higher than my birth

I am like a fissure in the noosphere and people around me can feel that and get uncomfortable

I can't get the image out of my head of the deep purples of my guts spilled out over my lap

My malaise is like when Goebbels was in an enveloping depression because of the seeming futility of the party's efforts

There's a duality of my soul that I identified as far back as ten years old

The world denying and this eternal life affirming Catholicism, spiritual life through death of the body

The worldly life affirming noble virtues

All unhappiness and lack of contendedness comes from an incongruence between action and desire

Animus of the German statesman

The defining characteristic of the people he was born into was their defiance against a foreign ruling class. The reality of their culture, their language, and their racial identity denied--their absorption into a national conglomerate enforced through propaganda and law.

While the maimed heroes of their first rebellion against global decadence struggled to fill their stomachs, and the industry of their nation remained stifled, enormous resources flowed unrestricted into the maintenance of a distant foreign colonies--lining the pockets of the victorious alien leaders.

"To understand a man, understand the world as it was when he was twenty..."

The people and the very dynasties that ruled almost a century ago continue to exact demanding cuts from the racial and cultural body we have had the blessing of being born into. Our heroes also returned maimed and scarred, but their sacrifice is hollow; they've sacrificed not for the race, but for the aliens that have grasped not the reigns, but have rotted the entire horse from within.

The fire that animated the orator of the last gentile uprising has to erupt in the guts of the racial body, and that cleansing fire has to purge the parasites that have burdened it.

This will be an act of fraternal love, the uncorrupted desire of welfare and justice for fellow man will inspire great acts of courage amongst us.


Mind's Eye Magazine

2002 - the hillbillies